Since a majority of today’s workforce wasn’t around in the 1990s, it’s worth noting that “business process reengineering” was all the rage. The purpose was to review, restructure and redesign core business processes to achieve substantial improvements in market and customer responsiveness, productivity, cycle times and quality. One reason for its popularity (beyond being a money spinner for consultants) was the promised ability for the newly available enterprise resource planning systems to be...
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Operations & Supply Chain,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
digital finance,
Continuous Supply Chain & ERP
Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is trending toward becoming more strategic in product-centric companies through the end of the decade. The purpose of S&OP has grown in importance. Since the mid-teens, the trade and economic environment has become less benign and more unpredictable, forcing many enterprises to redesign their supply chains for resiliency while still surmounting the dual challenges of remaining cost competitive and achieving financial targets. Over the past decade, there have...
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Continuous Planning,
Operations & Supply Chain,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
digital finance,
Sustainability Management,
AI and Machine Learning
The recent launch of the AI Alliance, a coalition of more than 50 corporations and research institutions engaged in artificial intelligence (AI) development (including AMD, CERN, Cornell University, Dell Technologies, IBM, Intel, Linux Foundation, Meta, NASA, Oracle, ServiceNow and Sony Group), aims to achieve the following objectives:
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Office of Finance,
Business Planning,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
digital finance,
Revenue, Lease and Tax Accounting,
Continuous Supply Chain & ERP
Board offers a platform that enables financial planning and analysis (FP&A) groups to forecast, plan, budget, analyze and report, using a consistent set of data from across the business to speed these processes, improve forecast and planning accuracy, and accelerate analysis and reporting. Board was categorized as an Exemplary Vendor in our Ventana Research Business Planning Value Index, with leading in Manageability and Reliability.
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Office of Finance,
Continuous Planning,
Business Planning,
Operations & Supply Chain,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
digital finance
We added purchasing, sourcing and payments to our core Office of Finance focus areas this year to reflect new and important opportunities to use technology to gain effectiveness through greater efficiency. Technology continues to lubricate the wheels of commerce, aided by a financial services sector that is constantly innovating, responding to market-driven opportunities to reduce costs, increase demand or lower risk. Ventana Research asserts that, in many cases, technology makes new forms or...
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Operations & Supply Chain,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
digital finance,
Continuous Supply Chain & ERP
As we celebrate the first half of what seems to be the year of generative artificial intelligence, with an apparently unlimited discussion of use cases and bogeymen, my attention is turning to the very mundane question of costs. Specifically, how costs incurred – through investment and operation – will be distributed along the value chain and how this will affect the demand for AI ‒ by whom and for what purpose. It’s a question that needs asking even though, at this stage in the market’s...
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Office of Finance,
Continuous Planning,
Business Planning,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
natural language processing,
digital finance,
AI & Machine Learning,
Continuous Supply Chain & ERP
Organizations engage in collaborative supply chain planning in order to have more accurate, timely and actionable information, including forecasts and stock-on-hand. The objective is to achieve lower costs and reduce risk while ensuring order fulfillment to achieve optimal supplier and customer relationships. Unfortunately, our research shows that that few companies manage collaboration well in their sales and operations planning (S&OP) processes. Today, S&OP software has become more accessible...
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Operations & Supply Chain,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
Continuous Supply Chain & ERP
In early 2019, I first wrote about the escalating strategic challenges facing organizations resulting from the decade-long dismantling of the liberal global trade environment and the shift to more restrictive regimes. Supply chain management was upended in 2020 as a series of extraordinary events, especially the pandemic-induced supply chain shocks, compounded the tactical challenges facing supply chain managers and increased awareness of the brittle nature of lowest-cost supply chain...
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Continuous Planning,
Business Planning,
Operations & Supply Chain,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
Continuous Supply Chain & ERP
We’ve experienced an unusual, decades-long monetary policy in the developed world that emphasized interest rate repression as well as supply chain practices designed for lowest cost. This has produced a generation of chief financial officers likely unprepared to address the impact of fundamental changes now shaping a new, technology-driven approach to working capital optimization. Today’s CFOs must assess their working capital management processes and the systems that support them to balance...
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Office of Finance,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
continuous supply chain,
digital finance,
Sustainability Management,
Early last December, just before ChatGPT became the new, bright, shiny object, The Economist magazine ran a story proclaiming that we had finally arrived at the age of boring artificial intelligence (AI). From my perspective, it’s unfortunate that didn’t last and that AI has been relegated back to the buzzword league. AI will be an increasingly important feature of business software through the end of this decade. Ventana Research asserts that by 2026, almost all vendors of software designed...
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Office of Finance,
Business Intelligence,
Business Planning,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
natural language processing,
continuous supply chain,
digital finance,
AI & Machine Learning,